Alligator Wrestling

Alligators of Abraham cover

To welcome Robert Kloss’s The Alligators of Abraham into the world, I chopped, twisted, torqued, and reshaped his words into some new spin-off texts based on Oulipean methods. Here you’ll find a lipogrammatic rendering of one of his paragraphs without the letter “e,” a couple of paragraphs with all the nouns replaced, a cento, or found poem, and a snowball and reverse snowball using words from his original text.

Read Tim Horvath’s Text Inspired by the Alligators of Abraham.


Clay Enos, Photographer

Clay took my author photo and the picture on the “About” page. He’s extremely talented and a great guy to boot, and it was truly a blast to wander around the sidewalks and into the nooks and alleys of Chelsea on the shoot. His website is, and I highly recommend browsing around to get a sense of the incredible range and scope of his work.